HOPE behind the “Indigent Life”: An ART RESPONSE


“Indigent Life” was a painting by Bong Perez in 2012. The size of the painting is 80x 60 inches and its medium is oil on canvas. Bong Perez was born on April 15, 1970, in Davao City, Philippines. Before he went to Japan for a study grant in 1998, he worked for seven years as an art instructor at Philippine Science Highschool. He is currently teaching at the College of Social Science and Humanities, University of the Philippines Mindanao. His media are oil and acrylic with the subjects of landscapes, ethnic culture, and people in the urban areas. "What is important for me is a real understanding of the fundamental conditions pertaining to my country; and then my relation to these conditions. I believe that what is necessary for art is first an appreciation of the great ideas applicable to my country and then the achievement of a masterly freedom in expressing them" he said. “Indigent Life” portrays the poverty in the Philippines.

The masterpiece contains more dramatic colors to emphasize more the child’s emotion. And it also shows the real condition of her surroundings. It is not a healthy environment, but they continue to fight for their survival. The way the painter expressed his creativity showed his talent in realism. As you notice in the painting, the child’s face truly expresses that they are the ones who are suffering from the existence of indigence in the country.

While staring at the painting long enough, I realized that I am privileged, and I should be grateful since I don’t experience their unfortunate situation. We encounter children everywhere in the streets, seeking for shelter, money, food, etc. to survive. There are a lot of them who endured all the hardships because the one who raised them was not able to give them a better life. Every time I see them, I heartily give something especially food because I understand what they are going through. And simple actions will mean a huge thing for them.

Children are the future. The painting doesn’t only show poverty because as I look into the innocent eyes of the child, she is struggling yet she is full of hope. Being born poor doesn’t mean that you must die poor. It is not the end; she can still change her life and achieve her dreams. I believe that all unfortunate children can become successful someday despite their past.  The struggles that they faced will mold them to become fearless in the future.

The painting proves to us that life is parallel. Some people wake up that there is food on their table while others wake up looking for food; fighting each day for their survival. Hence, we must appreciate the things that we have because some are wishing for it. Despite the difficulties that we experience, optimism must remain in us.  Everyone has a chance to change for the better; poverty is never a hindrance to success.






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