The Soul the Great Bell: A Reflection The Son of Heaven had instructed an official Kouan-Yu to create a bell that would be heard for one hundred li. Kouan-Yu and his laborers worked hard to finish the bell. They showed it to the Son of Heaven but the Son of Heaven was disappointed for the metals failed to mix with each other. They tried and worked harder for the second bell but it was the same. The Son of Heaven was frustrated and ordered the death of Kouan-Yu if he cannot produce the bell on his third try. Ko-Ngai, daughter of Kouan-Yu was afraid of his father's fate so she had consulted an astrologer to help his father. The astrologer advised that it will only be successful if a maiden will be melted into the crucible. So on the day of the third casting of the bell, she leapt in the crucible. Kouan-Yu was devasted however, everyone was surprised because the bell turned out to be more beautiful than the Son of Heaven had ...